Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Published 3 years ago
ID #268
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Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Published 3 years ago


We are a team of highly skilled and passionate tattooists, we love what we do and we work as hard as possible to make sure our clients do too. Have a look at our portfolios and see whose individual style is right for you, they are full of photos of custom designs drawn up and tattooed by us. If you would like a one off tattoo designed for yourself, come down to the shop to talk about what you would like. We love doing custom tattoos and we do not charge for drawing up designs.

Our ethos is simple, your idea with our input, creates your perfect design.
See whose individual style is right for you, they are full of photos of custom designs drawn up and tattooed by us. If you would like a one off tattoo designed for yourself, come down to the shop to talk about what you would like. We love doing custom tattoos and we do not charge for drawing up designs.


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    Registered on 13. Sep 2021
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    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on September 13, 2021

    Listing location

    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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