House sale in sanepa

Nepal, bagmati, kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #6
1 - 3 of 4
रु 31,100,000.00
House sale in sanepa
Nepal, bagmati, kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


The house is a 3 storied building made after earthquake.
it is located in sanepa, kathmandu 02

ground floor : 1 X (hall room, dining room, kitchen store room, bathroom)
1st floor : 4 bedroom and 1 bathroom
top floor : 3 bedroom and 1 bathroom

price negotiable, please contact for inspection : 9823171928


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    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on 7. May 2018
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    रु 31,100,000.00

    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on May 7, 2018

    Listing location

    Nepal, bagmati, kathmandu
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