Brand New House For Sale, Bhaisepati Colony, Near SBI Bank, Lalitpur

Nepal, lalitpur
Last update 3 years ago
ID #257
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रु 25,000,000.00
Transaction: Sell
Brand New House For Sale, Bhaisepati Colony, Near SBI Bank, Lalitpur
Nepal, lalitpur,
Modified 3 years ago


2.5 Floors

4 Bedrooms

1 Kitchen

2 Living Rooms

4 Bathrooms

1 Car Parking

Land: Ropani

Build Year
2075 B,S.

House Type
Single Family

Semi Furnished


Ceramic Tile, Hardwood Flooring, Laminate Flooring, Wood Flooring

Earthquake Resistant, Electricity, Water Supply, Telephone, Internet, Solar Water, Cable TV, Parking, Well, Reserve Tank, Garden, Rental Income, Garbage Disposal

Property Detail
Brand New House For Sale, at Bhaisepati Colony

This house at Bhaisepati Colony, near wai wai company, bhaisepati, It has 4 bedrooms, 2 living room, 1 kitchen and dining with a small store, 1 pooja room, and 1 car parking space.

Price: Two crores FiFty lakhs and slightly negotiation


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    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on 13. Sep 2021
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    रु 25,000,000.00

    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on September 13, 2021

    Listing location

    Nepal, lalitpur
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