बिगत लामो समयबाट प्रतिक्षारत र सबैको चासोको बिषय भिक्टोरीयामा रहेका नेपालीहरुको आफ्नै सामुदायीक केन्द्र बनाउने प्रकृया लगभग अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको छ। धेरै लामो कसरत अनि सय भन्दा बढि ठाउँमा गरिएको खोज र अनुसन्धान पछि अन्ततः अष्ट्रेलियन नेप्लीज मल्टिकल्चरल सेन्टरका अध्यक्ष डा. चन्द्रदिपक पोखरेलको नेतृत्वको समुहले 100 Duncans Lane, Diggers Rest, क्यालडर फ्रिवेको नजिक जग्गा उपलव्ध भएको जानकारी नेपाली कम्युनिटी सेन्टरको अफिसियल पेज मार्फत हिजो जानकारी गराईएको छ। १५ एकडमा फैलिएको सो जग्गा मेल्बोर्न सि बि डीबाट ३३ किमी, क्रेगीबनबाट २७ किमी, डेन्डेनङबाट ६९ किमी र होपर क्रसिङबाट ३५ किमीको दुरीमा रहेको छ।
हाल सम्म कोषमा जम्मा र प्रतिबद्दता भएको रकम १.४ मिलीयन डलर रहेको छ तर जग्गा खरिद गर्नलाई १.५ मिलीयन डलर लाग्नेजानकारी गराईएको छ। स्टाम्प ड्युटी सहित १६ लाख डलर लाग्ने र यसको लागि छ महिनाको समयावधी तोकिएको छ।
तत्कालै मर्मत सम्भार गरेर दुई सय जना बस्न मिल्ने हल बनाउन सकिन्छ भने ठुलो एरियामा डाईनिङ, किचन र लन्ज एरिया पनि बनाउन सकिने जानकारी उक्त प्रेसमा जनाईएको छ। यद्यपि यसका लागि मन्दिर बनाउने लगाएत अन्य विभिन्न धार्मीक कार्यक्रम गर्न भने पूर्वस्वीकृति लिनुपर्नेछ।
सम्पुर्ण सदस्य, दाता, संरक्षक, परामर्षदाता, सामुदायिक सँघ सँस्था, समुदायका अगुवा, साईट सेलेक्सन कमिटी लगाएत सम्पुर्ण समुदायका सदस्यहरु धेरै धन्यबादका पात्र हुन अनि भिक्टोरियामा बसोबास गर्ने नेपालीहरुको लागि ऐतिहासिक क्षण हो भन्दै बधाई पनि दिईएको छ।
अब बन्न लागेको सामुदायीक भवन हामी सबै नेपालीहरुको हो तसर्थ यसको सदस्य बनेर यो महान कार्यको हिस्सा बन्न सम्पुर्ण भिक्टोरीयाबासी नेपालीहरुलाई अनुरोध गरिएको छ।
स्मरण रहोस् सामुदायिक केन्द्र बनाउनकै लागि गएको बर्ष पन्डित दिनबन्धु पोखरेलको उपस्थितीमा मेल्बोर्न सप्ताह भव्यताका साथ सम्पन्न भएको थियो।
Press Release
Dr Chandra Deepak Pokharel
President: ANMC
Dear Patrons, advisers, family and individual life members, general and institutional members and broader Nepalese community
It is with great pleasure, on behalf of ANMC ExCom team; I would like to inform you that we have secured a property for ANMC. We were able to secure this property for $1.5 million with settlement in 5-6 Months time. Our pledged money for ANMC is $1.4 million and we have a short fall of about $200 thousand including stamp duty. We look forward in working with you in the near future to workout how we are going to fund this shortfall? No doubt your support and generosity would be crucial.
The property we have managed to secure is as follows:
100 Duncans Lane, Diggers Rest, Just off the Calder FWY
15 Acreage of land
Big house which has several bedrooms, dinning, lounge room and kitchen area. This can be converted into a temporary temple
Big shed on it and it can accommodate some 200 people
This property is at the corner of 2 sealed roads.
33 Km from CBD
24 Km from Glenroy
27 Km from Craigieburn
35 Km from Hoppers Crossing
58 Km from Wantirna
69 km from Dandenong
80Km from Cranbourne
I believe this property will easily serve our purpose for some time before we are capable of building a “purpose built structure”. There may be small internal renovations we have to consider before we can use the house and shed for our needs.
After exploring over 110 properties, we have been able to secure this one. Under the current ANMC’s circumstances, I believe this is the best property that we could have.
In coming Months, we will explore our needs and approach as to what needs to be done in order to get a permit for “place of worship” and “place of assembly” on this property.
I would like to sincerely thank you for your patience, trust, support, advice and encouragement. I thank every member, donor small or big, patrons, advisers, community organizations that have helped us, community leaders and personalities, site selection subcommittee members, media personalities and general community members in making this possible. This is a historic moment for ANMC and its members and more broadly for all Nepalese community in Victoria.
As Nepalese community this is only a small step that we have taken. There is more to do but we would need to walk together to achieve more for our community. My team and me encourage those who have not joined ANMC yet and be part of this wonderful journey. With your contribution, we can achieve more!
Let me assure you, we will continue to work hard for ANMC and its cause in coming Months.
We anticipate your ongoing support and trust on us to further ANMC from what we have achieved so far. Your support means a lot for my team and me.
Let’s all enjoy this achievement and work together to keep delivering to ANMC and our Nepalese Community.