Trade Marketing Manager

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #53
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Trade Marketing Manager
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


One of India's reputed, research-base, techno-savvy FMCG Company dealing with Cosmetics range of products invites young, dynamic, professionals with proven competencies such as Excellent Analytical Abilities, strong communication and interpersonal skills for building up a strong trade marketing activity in Nepal. Job Descriptions: • Identify opportunity with new and existing, general trade and modern trade for placing the product range. • Analyzing of products/Brand movement and suggestion based on observation. • Planning of right product mix based on outlets profile and market needs • Planning and organizing consumer and customers activation program in general trade / modern trade/ wholesale and post campaign result and learning evaluation. • Roll out planned BTL activity for modern trade and general trade • Design wholesale and retail development program to drive faster growth • Provide active support to sale team for achieving business numbers with various customers activity program • Develop Beauty advice channels and drive top line and growth • Customers and Consumer development activity • Various awareness development program Desire: • Any graduate with 3-5 years of prior experience in a similar or marketing role in a reputed FMCG company Profiel: • Knowledge work experiences in major towns of Nepal will get added benefits • Good communication and presentation skills • Age between 28 to 32 years position need to travel outside kathmandu at list for 10 days, Apply with in next 10 days to


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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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