IT Officer

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #108
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IT Officer
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


No. of Vacancies: 1 Location: Kathmandu Job Description: • Timely backup of files and database • Maintain the updated IT status and IT tree (structure) of the office • Network management and troubleshooting • Server/File Server/Firewall Management and troubleshooting • Domain/User/E-mail Management and troubleshooting • Troubleshoot network/computer-desktop and laptop/printer issues and recommend for further outsource as it is needed • Assure uninterrupted services from ISP, IT vendors and other service providers as a focal person • Assure the security of the servers • Manage, keep up-to-date the video conferencing unit • Maintain close coordination with admin for taking critical steps Education: • A Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology or equivalent Knowledge, skills and abilities: • Knowledge in database management and handling of networks. Proficiency in computer applications (Word processing, designing, Photoshop, Microsoft Project, Project management tools, database & Excel, Power Point and hardware troubleshooting). Good command in English on both writing and speaking. Experience and Competencies : • At least 2 years of experience in IT department in well- established organizations with the competencies in some or all of the (i) Self-motivated, (ii) Team player (iii) behave ethically (iv) communicate effectively (v) foster teamwork (vi) lead, organize, plan, execute and (vii) solve any kind of complex problem or cope any complex situation Working Conditions: • IT Officer is assigned to work in IBN Office's own designated station in line with set days and office hours. However, the job also requires off-hour works to complete the assigned task within stipulated time Applying Procedure Eligible candidates must apply before 17:00 hrs on the 26th June 2018 by submitting their CV and cover letter via email to . Candidates should reference the position in the email subject line. Applications are welcomed from all parts of the community and we encourage interest from women, Dalits, disadvantaged Janajatis and Madhesis. We encourage applicants to visit the websites for more information about IBN’s projects and about IMC. A panel of experts from APPIIC and IBN will shortlist applications for interview. The decision to shortlist candidates lies solely with APPIIC and therefore cannot be challenged. Successful applicants will be notified at the earliest possible date, and are discouraged from contacting APPIIC regarding the outcome of their application.


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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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