Pre Primary Grade Teachers

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #48
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Pre Primary Grade Teachers
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


Job Description * Maintain discipline in accordance with the rules and disciplinary systems of the school * Plan, prepare and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences * Taking responsibility for the progress of a class of primary-age pupils providing feedback to parents and carers on a pupil's progress at parents' evenings and other meetings * Keeping up to date with changes and developments in the structure of the curriculum Education Level: Bachelor Experience Required: More than or equals to 1 year Other Specification *Minimum 2 years experience in Teaching *Trained about play way method of learning *Enthusiastic, hardworking, dedicated and professional knowledge and implementation skills in related field *Fluency in speaking and writing both in English and Nepali *Sound knowledge of progressive education system *Must be polite & dutiful *Interact with parents to enhance learning process of kids


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    Registered on 30. May 2018
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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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