Sales and Front Office Manager for ROKPA Guest House

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #47
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Sales and Front Office Manager for ROKPA Guest House
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


Job Profile : As Sales and Front Office Manager you will be responsible for: Supervise and support the operations in Front office, supervise and train students at the reception General and day to day management of the Guest House Increase revenue and occupancy rate of the Guest House and restaurant through organisation of events, on the ground and online marketing activities etc Your Profile : We are looking for a punctual and organised team player with the following qualifications and competencies: 3-5 years operational or management experience in Front Office, Administration in 3-5* hotel. Experience in F&B can be considered. Experience abroad is a plus Proven sales & marketing and event organisation experience IT and social media savvy. Design, photo and video editing experience is a plus Strong organisational and administrative skills Team spirit and a strong sense of responsibility Can work with strict deadlines and has flexible working hours mentality Certificate or diploma in hospitality management is a plus Note : Preferred starting date is June 2018 Salary based on qualifications and experience Applying procedure : For more information on the job and to make an interview appointment, send your resume and motivation to Last date of submission :11th june 2018


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    Registered on 30. May 2018
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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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