Data Monitor Consultant

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #86
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Data Monitor Consultant
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


Data Monitor Consultant CAMRIS International is conducting an impact evaluation study involving Hariyo Ban-II's (HB-II) livelihood interventions. The Hariyo Ban II project aims to test and document evidence of the link between alternative livelihoods and biodiversity conservation. Thus, one of the component for the study is the bio-diversity survey where floral species diversity is measured through forest plot surveys by Forest Action Nepal - CAMRIS International's implementing partner. In this context, CAMRIS International seeks a Data Monitor to check and verify the plot data uploaded into its main data server. The position is short term temporary position for a maximum of four months starting from Mid June 2018 until October 2018 with expected break during the monsoon season (July/August). The position is based at CAMRIS International office in Kathmandu. The Data Monitor will check the uploaded data to ensure each of the filled forms meet set quality criteria. The Data Monitor will flag any inconsistencies in the data and validate the remaining data based on the set parameters. Responsibilities: • Collaborate with Forest Action team to keep track of field movement and check whether the data are uploaded promptly after the completion of the surveys, • Check the uploaded data on a daily basis to ensure there are no backlogs in the server. Flag the checked data for inconsistencies as per the set criteria, • Instantly communicate with field teams about errors and inconsistencies in data, and keep an updated record of corrections to be made in the data set • Cross-check photographic and recorded data with entered data to the extent feasible • Communicate with NMEL, Forest Action and field teams on the inconsistent data and suggest ways for improvement • Validate the uploaded data as per the set criteria • Any other tasks requested by Hariyo Ban II IE focal person Required Qualifications: • Bachelors degree, in forestry, botany, ecology or related field (Masters preferred) • Experience in doing forestry, ecological or biological related surveys and data collection preferred • Strong technological skills • Experience in data checking and quality monitoring strongly preferred • Well versed in taxonomical classification and knowledgeable in plant diversity found in Nepal • Good written and oral communication in English required Applying Procedure Interested qualified applicants are requested to apply by June 21, 2018 through following link:


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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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