Business Connection Coordinator

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #52
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Business Connection Coordinator
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


Education: Bachelor in Hotel/Hospitality Mgmt. (BHM) City: Kathmandu Position: Business Connection Coordinator Banquet Squad is US based online Hospitality service startup aiming to provide temporary staffing for the companies or individual who might need experienced professionals to execute events and parties in the right way and connect individual with such provider to maintain their supplemental income in the schedule of their choice. We are looking for a Business Connection Coordinator to work remotely in our Nepal service center. As a Business Connection Coordinator, candidates are responsible but not limited to the following… * Establish connection with job provider, bring them onboard and maintain continuous relation. * Connect with staff members, obtain feedback, research, evaluate and communicate with team member to gain highest satisfaction. * Explore and architect marketing strategy * Explore social media for extensive approach to our both customer, job seekers and provider. * Perform online and social communication to all of our clients in all location we serve and continuous explore more prospective market. * Perform administrative work to efficiently manage both clients and their account. * Perform time to time direct market visit to establish and extend client portfolio. * Input innovative ideas to improve App functionality. * Candidates are expected to meet but not limited to followings criteria Bachelor's degree in Hospitality management or at least +2 in hospitality management and bachelor’s in business or marketing degree. Fluent in speaking and writing in english and business communication. Able to follow instruction and work independently to meet business goal. Hold proficient computer skills and cloud collaborative work. IT knowledge will be huge plus but not necessary Reliable access to internet and computer - internet and computer allowance provided, terms and condition applied. Candidates to look forward Work from Home - some market visit may required Internet and computer allowance - terms and condition applied Opportunity to grow and travel - based on performance Competitive pay - based on experience Interested candidates, please email your resume with cover letter to Interview will be held via Phone and skype. Only selected candidates will be called for an interview. Application Deadline Wed, 04 Jul 2018


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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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