
Nepal, lalitpur, Lalitpur
Last update 6 years ago
ID #103
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Nepal, lalitpur, Lalitpur,
Modified 6 years ago


• Employment Type: Full Time • Job Location: Kupondole, Patan, Central Development Region, Nepal • Offered Salary: NRs. 25,000.00 - 35,000.00 Monthly • Apply Before(Deadline): Jun. 27, 2018 Job Specification • Education Level: Bachelor • Experience Required: More than or equals to 2 years • Professional Skill Required: Radio Script Tvc Script Advertising Copywriting Other Specification • A minimum of 2 Years' work experience in advertising agency as a 'Copywriter'. • Position Should have a good vocabulary and master of wordplay. • The bulk of your time at Max L'agence will be spent developing radical concepts and bad-ass copy. • Proof-reading and ensuring that the communication is as per defined parameters is one of the few jobs you will have to take upon yourself without even being told to do so. • We expect exceptional multi-tasking skills, with the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously under tight deadlines. • Ideally, you will have had 2-3 years of experience writing advertising copy for international and domestic clients. • Proficiency in Nepali with uncommon skills in manipulating the meaning and use of words Job Description • Main responsibilities include developing headlines and body copy based on the theme, concepts and the subject matter. • Strive for magic copy Work with art director/ Visualizer / Creative Director to concept and present internally • Keep abreast of industry and cultural trend Work with editing to ensure quality control • Create final copy for program elements • Understand business objectives and strategies of client assignments • Contribute to ideation process; be able to bring unique ideas to the table • Create and update concept write ups • Work with art directors to write creative rationale prior to presentation • Write storyboards and radio scripts and assure the output is as conceptualized. contact us Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal GPO Box: 750 Tel: +977 55 40 718/719, Fax: +977 1 55 40 703 email:


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    Registered on 30. May 2018
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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, lalitpur, Lalitpur
    Premium osclass themes and plugins