Intern - Finance & Operation

Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 6 years ago
ID #107
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Intern - Finance & Operation
Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 6 years ago


No. of Vacancies: 01 Location: Kathmandu Job Description: • Post job adverts and support to organization in recruitment processes including preparation of call for CVs, receipt of CVs, their preliminary evaluation, schedule interviews, call for interviews and final selection • Organize necessary logistics required for new joiners • Arrange and conduct induction/orientation for new recruits • Preparing and updating Finance/HR /contract/procurement and other files and database • Maintaining records related to performance appraisals, grievances, performance reviews, and disciplinary actions of staff • Serving as a point person for all new recruits questions and furnish other necessary information and documentation to them • Deal with items of correspondence, telephone messages & enquiries and record them • Assisting Finance and Admin Officer in logistics arrangement during official travels, meetings and events • Prepare tax documents and filling of online tax within time • Handle processed checks and disbursement to the concerned vendors • Perform other tasks as assigned by the head of unit Education: • Preferably a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies, Business Administration or any other relevant bachelor’s degree Experience: • Experience would be an additional advantage Applying Procedure Eligible candidates must apply before 17:00 hrs on the 26th June, 2018 by submitting their CV and cover letter via email to .Candidates should reference the position in the email subject line. Applications are welcomed from all parts of the community and we encourage interest from women, Dalits, disadvantaged Janajatis and Madhesis. We encourage applicants to visit the website to learn more about IMC Worldwide. A panel of experts from APPIIC will shortlist applications for interview. The decision to shortlist candidates lies solely with APPIIC and therefore cannot be challenged. Successful applicants will be notified at the earliest possible date, and are discouraged from contacting APPIIC regarding the outcome of their application.


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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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