Accounting and Finance officer for I/NGO

Nepal, chitwan, Chitwan
Last update 6 years ago
ID #22
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Accounting and Finance officer for I/NGO
Nepal, chitwan, Chitwan,
Modified 6 years ago


Duty station: RRN District Office, Chitwan Project: Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Required qualifications and experience: At least Bachelor degree Minimum 3 years of experience in the field of accounting (prefer at I/NGO sector) Able to host training/seminars at RRN Training Centre as per need. Look after RRN Training Centre farm. Able to handle taxes. Must be team work focused. Must have FAMAS software knowledge. Bike license will be an advantage. Maintain accounts books on daily basis. Inventory and assets. BRS and Payable and receivables. Must work with co-ordination with district team. Able to prepare financial reports as per organisation norms. Basic analytical skills. Works on odd time as per need. Interested candidates are requested to send their applicationalong with updated CV through an e-mail to before 5 pm, 4 June 2018. Applications from qualified and competent women, Dalit and other disadvantaged groups are highly encouraged. RRN is an equal opportunity organization. We offer good opportunities for working, learning and sharing within the dynamic team of RRN. Salary and benefits shall be as per organizations rules. Telephone inquiries shall not be entertained and any other direct or indirect solicitation may lead to disqualification of the candidacy.


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    Registered on May 30, 2018

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    Nepal, chitwan, Chitwan
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