Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Last update 3 years ago
ID #215
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Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu,
Modified 3 years ago


NCELL= 9818055954
NTC= 9861125206
Superb fresh single hand used HONDA AVIATOR 110cc on sale or exchange
2018 model 96 lot 18000km ran only
Totally Fresh engine and fresh body
Both New tyres and great pick up
No need to maintain anything
Recently done servicing not a single scratches on body
Scooter jasle herxa usle kinxa
Used inside valley only for official use
Well maintained timely serviced


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    Manoj Kanchha
    Unregistered user
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    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Manoj Kanchha
    Unregistered user

    Listing location

    Nepal, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
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